Juli 2023

Stichting Diabetes Onderzoek Nederland (DON) steunt onderzoek bij BENE

Interview met Willem en Nico
December 2022
On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Willem received the biennial Novo Nordisk Award for Diabetology. We spent a lovely evening at Salons De Waerboom for this special event.
It was clear that everyone felt fortunate.
Congratulations, Willem!

September 2021 Young Investigator Award
Willem was granted with the Young Investigator Award 2021 by the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE)
Lees meer (637.74 KB) "pdf" - Read more (82.47 KB) "pdf"
Congratulations Willem !

March 2022 @ Tempus
Pizza to celebrate the submission of all FWO PhD fellowship files and the return of the sun to campus Jette !

October 2020 - FWO Senior Clinical Investigator Grant
Willem is granted the prestigous FWO Senior Clinical Investigator Grant 2020-2025.
This grant will allow him to be half time released from his clinical duties at the UZ Brussel (service of pediatric endocrinology) to do research in molecular diabetology. The grant is allocated yearly by the FWO to well trained medical doctors and researchers who want to establish a carreer in translational research. Of the eight new laureates in 2020, Willem is the only one based at VUB and UZ Brussel.
Congratulations Willem!

Onderzoeker onder de loep - Wtnschp/
November 2018: BeNe-League ?
PhD Thesis 1994 till now
August 2018 - Friture René - Anderlecht

June 2018 - Rising Star Award EFSD
Rising Star Award voor innovatief diabetesonderzoek (346.89 KB) "pdf" toegekend aan Nico door de European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes

June 2018 - fTales Symposium