Clicking on the above hyperlink will start the download of a ZIP file containing HTML files for graphical exploration of the dataset (GEO GSE269616) using Glimma*:
Comprehensive alpha, beta, and delta cell transcriptomics_Staels_2024.zip
This ZIP file contains 9 HTML files detailing differentially expressed genes in pairwise comparisons of different cell ages (young = P7, adult = 12-weeks-old, old = 18-months-old) within specific cell types (alpha, beta, or delta cells).
- Summary_DE_test.Alpha_cells.Adult_vs_Young_MeanGroup.html
- Summary_DE_test.Alpha_cells.Old_vs_Adult_MeanGroup.html
- Summary_DE_test.Alpha_cells.Old_vs_Young_MeanGroup.html
- Summary_DE_test.Beta_cells.Adult_vs_Young_MeanGroup.html
- Summary_DE_test.Beta_cells.Old_vs_Adult_MeanGroup.html
- Summary_DE_test.Beta_cells.Old_vs_Young_MeanGroup.html
- Summary_DE_test.Delta_cells.Adult_vs_Young_MeanGroup.html
- Summary_DE_test.Delta_cells.Old_vs_Adult_MeanGroup.html
- Summary_DE_test.Delta_cells.Old_vs_Young_MeanGroup.html
Each HTML file will visualize in your browser the same gene expression levels for all cell types at all ages, but the statistics will be specific per HTML file for the pairwise comparison noted in the file name.
How-to use the dataset:
* Su S, Law CW, Ah-Cann C, Asselin-Labat ML, Blewitt ME, Ritchie ME. Glimma: interactive graphics for gene expression analysis. Bioinformatics. 2017 Jul 1;33(13):2050-2052. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx094. PMID: 28203714; PMCID: PMC5870845.